Untitled Document

Jordan: A Photographic Journey

SKU#: 152149
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  • $ 40.00

By Ronald C. Pietersma

Experience the resplendent beauty of a region that includes the biblical areas of Moab, Gilead, and Edom. Jordan encompasses a vibrant territory that hosted the cradle of civilization with Amman, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Featuring the jewel of Petra, a World Heritage Site, and one of the new Seven Wonders of the World; this book showcases remnants of Roman Heritage against the background of the Dead Sea and distant memories of the nomadic Kingdom of the Nabataeans. The echoes of human history are best experienced by the visual traces that are documented in this travelogue of Jordan by Bowers Fellow Ronald C. Pietersma as part of a journey with the Bowers Museum Fellows; the culmination in Jordan after an immersive voyage through Egypt was the trip of a lifetime that highlights one of the wonderful aspects of the Bowers Fellows Program.



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